Auditing IoT and Best Practices

Proposal for updated practices regarding auditing Internet of Things (IoT) Devices



As the popularity of Internet of Things (IoT) devices grows, so does their uses in businesses, homes and even governments. These devices have a huge range of uses from industrial control systems all the way to smart plugs in the average person’s home [4]. The growing uses and connectivity of these devices, however, has made them a popular target for any potential adversaries [9]. Developing proper security measures and auditing procedures is something that is necessary because of the impact IoT devices can have on any network’s security. However, this is not easy as IoT devices typically have non traditional uses compared to most computer systems. These devices have a connection and direct impact on the physical world around them, and can be located in various environments [9]. All of these factors have led to a lack of organization and policy regarding IoT devices. Overall, IoT devices are a new category of computer systems that need to be securely implemented in their environments and conform to a set of best practices.

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